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우리 에어 콤프레셔란?

How to choose WOOLEE Compressor

  • Air pressure(Mpa)
    Since air pressure differs with a diameter, length and joint of compressors, we recommennd that you chosse a compressor that 0.15~0.2 Mpa higher pressure than the product actually used.
  • Air Use(liter/min)
    When choosing a compressor, keep in mind your plan for future business expension and other purposes in air use; therefore, it is better to select the product with 20% bigger amount of air compressors for the efficient use.
  • Compressor Output(HP)
    After deciding air pressure and air use, decide the output of power after reviewing Specification an attached table.

1. Basic pump 2. Motor 3. Receiver tank 4. Magnetic switch box 5. Pressure switch 6. Pressure gauge 7. Check valve 8. Safety valve 9. Water drain valve 10. Belt cover


  • Superior Durability
    The product, a reciprocating type, is long lasting and resists well against abrasion in piston ring and metal parts of the machine.
  • High Ability & Efficiency
    Appropriate rotational frequency, rational air circuit, and high cooling effect make the product maximize its discharging ability.
  • Low Noise & vibration
    Low revolution of the product, reasonable air circuit, and accordign to balance in a crankshaft reduce noise and vibration in the machine.
  • Consumers Less Lubrication
    The products is designed to save lubricant up to 40% compared to other products previously introduced in the market, so the customers can save maintenance costs of the product, and further can get fresh air on account of the minimization of oil mist.
  • High Reliability
    The parts are manufactured in accordance with the accurate process and precise inspection, thus bringing the customers with satisfaction. Also, the product and its parts are easy to obtain.


  1. 기계금속공업 : 전용기의 공기제어, 임팩트 렌치, 에어리벳터, 에어샌더, 쇠밥제거 등의 공기원
  2. 주물공업 : 주물표면 청소, 에어태커, 에어그라인더, 쇼트블래스트등의 공기원
  3. 수송기공업 : 에어시림더, 임팩트렌치, 에어그라인더, 로봇트, 에어콘베어, 에어검사 등의 공기원
  4. 토목건설 : 도장, 석공구, 구멍뚫기, 못박기, 잠수작업, 착암기 등의 공기원
  5. 요업 : 취출성형, 압송, 흠상, 공기건조, 페인팅, 보일러의 자동제어 등의 공기원
  6. 전력, 철도 : 차단기, 신호기등의 자동공기제어, 장폭제어, 쇼트, 도장등의 공기원
  7. 섬유공업 : 공기청방, 공기수송, 자동제어기기, 교반혼합 등의 공기원
  8. 화학공업 : 가스, 액체의 압송, 반응조의 공기공급, 진공증착의 전처리, 건조공기작업, 도금액 교반
  9. 식품공업 : 용기 세정, 건조, 약액의 봉입, 발효조의 교반, 식품가공공정용, 기타 제조프로세스의 자동화용

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